NANN Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

This policy delineates the information collected from visitors to the website as well as how we use and protect that information. Protecting your privacy and your personal data is of utmost importance to us, and guides us in creating, organizing, and implementing our activities online and offline.

Visitor Data Collected

You may browse many areas of our website, including our home page, without disclosing any personal information about yourself. Within these areas we only collect and store the information that is automatically recognized by the Web server, such as your IP address and files you request from the server. We collect, use and store the personal data that you volunteer on registration, order, survey, or other forms, or by email. Such information may be used to notify you of official NANN business, provide a product or service that you requested, secure your membership status, evaluate member and prospective member needs and interests, and alert you of NANN news, activities, services and benefits. Additionally, some areas of our website might be available only to certain persons and will require a login and password to access these areas. In order to be granted a login and password you may be asked some demographic information about yourself.

Registering on our site is optional. If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still use the public areas of our website. However, you will not be able to purchase items online, or be allowed access to private areas of our website. We view the customer information that we collect as a valuable and confidential asset of which we take great care to ensure its safety. Your personally identifiable information may be shared with a third party in order to complete a specific business transaction on our behalf.

We do not market our products or services to children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from website users younger than 18 years of age.

Data Analysis

As described above, we sometimes collect anonymous information from visits to our site to help us provide better customer service. For example, we measure visitor activity on our website, but we do so in ways that maintain individual visitor anonymity. We use the information that we collect to measure the number of visitors to the different areas of our site and to help us make our site more useful to visitors. This includes analyzing these logs periodically to measure the traffic through our servers, the number of pages visited and the level of demand for pages and topics of interest. The logs may be preserved indefinitely and used at any time and in any way to prevent security breaches and to ensure the integrity of the data on our servers.

Data Sharing

Though we make serious efforts to preserve your privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law wherein we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on our website.

In all other cases we do not knowingly share, sell, or distribute your personal information with any third party.

Cookies and Other Technologies

We collect the anonymous information we mentioned above through the use of various technologies, one of which is called "cookies". A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive. Cookies may last for only a single session or may span multiple sessions. We also use cookies throughout the private sections of our website to prevent security breaches as well as to track user activity. We also use Google advertising cookies to help us understand your interests. This information will ensure you see ads for content and services that are relevant to you. Google may use this information to show you relevant ads on other sites as well. To opt out of Google tracking, see Google's ad settings at Finally, cookies are employed in such applications as shopping carts, continuing education, or other applications that require the storage of user data from one screen to the next. To opt out of DoubleClick's tracking, visit the DoubleClick opt-out page or the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

Individual Participation/Access

You can ask us whether we are keeping personal data about you, and you can also request to receive a copy of that personal data. Before sending you any personal data, we will ask you to provide proof of your identity. If you are not able to provide proof of your identity, we reserve the right to refuse to send you the personal data.

We will make a sincere effort to respond in a timely manner to your requests to the previous questions or to correct inaccuracies in your personal information. At any time, you may request that we delete or correct your personal information in our logs. For such requests, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Throughout our website, you will find links to third party websites. Once you leave and link to another website, you are subject to the privacy policy of that website. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or content on third-party sites and hereby disclaims any liability or responsibility in connection with such linked sites.


We intend to protect the quality and integrity of your personal information. We have implemented technology and security policies as reasonable precautions in the storage of the personal information you disclose to us on our website. Our employees and processors who have access to personal data are obliged to respect the privacy of our visitors and the confidentiality of their personal data. Online registration and information such as credit cared numbers will be secured using a commercially accepted method of encryption. However, while we employ reasonable security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information sent over our website, please be aware that no method of electronic transmission is completely infallible, and we cannot guarantee its absolute safety.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy without advanced notice. The revised privacy policy will be posted online and effective immediately.

Acceptance of our Privacy Policy Terms

Using our website indicates your acceptance of our privacy policy. Your continued visits to our website after changes are posted to this privacy policy will signify your acceptance of those changes.

Website Rules of Use

To keep NANN's website attractive and useful for all users, NANN requires that all users adhere to the following rules:

  • Respect other visitors to this site. Feel free to express yourself, but do not do anything to injure or harm others. Users are expected to exercise both common sense and courtesy in the messages they transmit from this site. Defamatory, obscene, and other offensive communications are not acceptable forms of communication over this site and could lead to liability for those engaging in such improper communication.
  • Do not use NANN's website to conduct activities that may be illegal. NANN's website may not be used to encourage anything to do with illegal drugs, gambling, pornography, prostitution, child pornography, robbery, spreading computer viruses, cracking into private computer forums, software infringement, trafficking in credit card codes, or other crimes.
  • Do not use NANN's website to defame or disparage any members of NANN or any other persons.
  • Do not use NANN's website to communicate with competitors about prices or terms of service or otherwise communicate in a way that may provide the basis for an inference that users agreed to take any action relating to prices, services, production, allocation of markets or any other matter having a market effect. Be sensitive to other matters that may raise particular antitrust concern including membership restrictions, codes of ethics, fees, billing practices, product standardization or certification. The same rules against illegal agreements in restraint of trade which apply at members' meetings apply to communications on this site.
  • Do not upload or distribute files subject to trademark, copyright, or other proprietary rights except with the express consent of the owner of the rights.
  • Respect the security of this website. Do not attempt to gain access to areas private to NANN or its members.
  • This site may not be used in a manner that violates the bylaws or any other policies, procedures, rules or regulations of NANN.
  • Information posted on this site will not be treated as confidential. In fact, since this site's communications may be downloaded without the knowledge of the sender(s), users should use care when posting or sending communications.
  • NANN reserves the right to modify or change the rules as it determines from time-to-time in the best interests of NANN.

The Website Rules of Use posted on this site were updated on July 10, 2017.

Legal Notices


All materials and information posted on the NANN website are the property of NANN, whether or not a copyright notice appears on the screen displaying the information. Users of the NANN website may save and use information contained therein only for personal use. No other use, including reproduction, retransmission or editing, of the information and materials posted on NANN's website may be made without the prior written permission of NANN, which may be requested by contacting NANN's headquarters.


The names, trademarks, service marks and logos of NANN may not be used in any manner without NANN's prior written consent.

Links to Third-Party Sites

Links or pointers on NANN's website to other Internet sites are provided as a courtesy only, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by NANN of the site, the individual or organization sponsoring the site, or any product, service or organization referenced on the site. Linked sites (those sites with an address that does not contain "") are not under the control of NANN and NANN is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or of any link contained within a linked site, or for any changes or updates to such sites.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall NANN or any of its affiliates, or the officers, directors, employees, members, or agents of each of them, be liable for any damages of any kind, including without limitation any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages, whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages, and on any theory of liability whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of NANN's website or online member communities.


NANN is providing information and services on this website as a benefit and service in furtherance of NANN's non-profit and tax-exempt status. NANN makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information posted on the website, and NANN assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use or misuse of such information. NANN makes no representations about the suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. Unless specifically stated otherwise, NANN does not endorse, approve, recommend, or certify any information, product, process, service or organization presented or mentioned on the NANN website, and information from the website should not be referenced in any way to imply such approval or endorsement. NANN expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual's use of, reference to, reliance on, or inability to use, the NANN website or the information presented on the site.

Advertising Information


Any Ads appearing on the NANN website will conform to standard sizes suggested by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). NANN may accept ads with the following dimensions: 600 x 200. Along with paid ads, NANN house ads are placed on the site to help promote various NANN services and programs that are of interest to members.


Ads appearing on the NANN website are directed toward neonatal nurses and other health professionals and specialists who devote a majority of their professional activity to neonatal care.


Online advertisements on the NANN website do not collect personally identifiable information about individual visitors. NANN does collect nonmedical aggregate data on visitors, such as time of day and Web browser type. Such information may be shared with advertisers to determine their advertising effectiveness.

Please review the NANN Privacy Policy for more information.


The NANN website may contain advertisements of third parties. The inclusion of advertisements on the NANN website does not imply endorsement of the advertised products or services by NANN. NANN shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the presence of such advertisements on the NANN website or the reliance on such advertisements or information contained therein by any party. Further, NANN shall not be responsible or liable for the statements or conduct of any third-party advertisers appearing on the NANN website. The user shall be solely responsible for any correspondence or transactions had with any third-party advertisers.

Disclaimer for Links to Third-Party Websites

The NANN website may provide links (including any link through an on-line advertisement) to other sites on the Internet. These other sites are maintained by third parties over which NANN exercises no control. Links or pointers on NANN's website to other Internet sites are provided as a courtesy only, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by NANN of the site, the individual or organization sponsoring the site, or any product, service or organization referenced on the site. If you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to the NANN website, you do so entirely at your own risk.


If you have any inquiries about our terms of use, please contact NANN.

National Association of Neonatal Nurses
8735 W. Higgins Road, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60631
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