11 SIGs

Special Interest Groups

Are you interested in connecting and interacting with neonatal nurses who share similar interests and challenges? NANN's special interest groups (SIGs) provide you with that opportunity.

SIGs are open to all NANN members, who may participate in any SIG they would like. To join a discussion group for each SIG, log in to MyNANN and click on "Special Interest Groups" under the Communities tab.

Current SIGs

Advanced Practice

Members with a graduate degree in nursing and a concentration in advanced practice neonatal nursing discuss nursing theory, research, physical and psychosocial assessment, appropriate interventions, case management, and care coordination.

Discharge Transitioning

Members investigate examination, assessment, and education on the systems, processes, and psychosocial impact of transitions from the acute care setting of the neonatal patient/client and his/her family into ambulatory care settings. Investigate and establish best practice recommendations for these transitions for the healthcare practitioners and home caregivers.


Members discuss ways to advance neonatal education at all levels, promote personal development, maintain high standards for educational offerings, and advocate for support from the employers of neonatal nurses.


Members share concerns and expertise related to managing a nursing staff—assessing staffing levels and needs; doing budget planning and cost accounting; carrying out strategic planning; attending to staff morale; and dealing with change.

NNP Faculty

Members discuss research, curriculum design, implementation of best practices, and evaluation methods.


Members form research partnerships, identify practice issues needing further research, disseminate information on annual research conferences, promote calls for manuscripts for NANN's own and other professional journals, and provide short feature articles and tips on research-related topics, such as analysis, instrumentation, and methods.

Staff Nurse

Members discuss hot topics and concerns, compare hospital policies, and share their knowledge and experience.


Members discuss topics within the neonate community to improve the nursing care, management, and treatment of infants requiring surgical intervention.

NANN Special Interest Group Facilitators

Volunteer SIG facilitators work collaboratively with each other and the SIG director-at-large to accomplish mutual goals that support the strategic plan of the association.


  • Attend NANN's Annual Conference to chair his or her SIG's networking roundtable
  • Participate in 1–2 teleconferences per year
  • Meet briefly with other facilitators and the SIG director-at-large at NANN's Annual Conference


  • Current member in good standing
  • Must have the ability to devote 1–4 hours a month to duties and responsibilities
  • Currently involved in neonatal nursing care through clinical practice, education, research, or consultation
  • Must have Internet access

If you would like to participate as a SIG facilitator, please e-mail your interest to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..