Research Summit

NANN's Research Summit allows neonatal nurses currently engaged in research or evidence-based practice projects the opportunity to present their research or projects to an audience of their peers. Each participant has 15 minutes for a presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

See the 2022 Summit Participants

17th Annual NANN Research Summit

The 2022 NANN Research Summit is scheduled for April 12, 2022. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the summit will be a completely virtual event.

Selected individuals attend the fully-supported Summit to present their research or practice change outcomes and discuss the process and results with other researchers from around the country and the world! The application period for NANN's 17th Annual Research Summit has closed.  

All submissions will undergo a blind review process (i.e., the reviewers are unaware of the applicant's identity) for quality, relevance and merit by the NANN Research Committee. All submitters will be notified in January 2022 regarding the status of their submission. Approximately 20 people will be selected to participate in this program. Individuals who have not presented at the past two Research Summits will be given priority. Selected participants will receive support for their summit attendance as follows:

  • "Conference in a Box" provided by Mead Johnson Nutrition.

Each participant will be allowed 20 minutes for a presentation (15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion). Additional information regarding the program will be sent in conjunction with acceptance letters. Three participants will be selected to present at the 2022 NANN Annual Conference as an "Encore" Summit Presentation.

Please note: If your abstract is accepted for the Research Summit, you are required to submit your abstract and corresponding manuscript to the NANN Journal, Advances in Neonatal Care (ANC), which has its own submission standards that you must adhere to. ANC has first right of refusal to each Summit participant's manuscript that is associated with the accepted abstract. Click here for ANC abstract submission guidelines.

This program is made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Mead Johnson Nutrition.


1. The work you are submitting must not have been previously published and will not be published before the Research Summit. 
2. You must include documentation of IRB approval or exemption with your submission.
3. Your abstract body is not to exceed 500 words.
4. Completed studies, including results, are preferred. Preliminary results for on-going studies will be considered/are encouraged. 
5. You must be a NANN member in good standing.
6. Before the Summit, you must submit your abstract (max 500 words) to the NANN Journal, Advances in Neonatal Care (ANC). Click here for abstract format.
7. Following the Summit, you must submit your corresponding manuscript to ANC. ANC has first right of refusal to each Summit participant's manuscript.

If you have any questions, please contact NANN Education at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

17th Annual NANN Research Summit

 2022 Research Summit Group Photo

In April of 2022, the 17th Annual Research Summit was held virtually, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Carrying on the tradition of including mentors in the program, the 2022 Summit had 3 nurse researchers who provided mentorship to encourage participants in their continued research and publication of their work. These leaders were Amy D'Agata, PhD RN, Christine Fortney, PhD RN, and Jenny Quinn, PHD NNP-BC.

Dr. Deb Brandon, CCNS FAAN PhD RN, kicked off the Research Summit with her presentation on writing for publication. Topics of presentations from the participants included human milk as a topical application for diaper dermatitis, promoting safe sleep modeling ahead of discharge, and utilizing technology during NICU rounds to increase parent engagement.

NANN would like to thank all presenters, mentors, and the Research Committee for the work they put in and our sponsor Mead Johnson for making this Summit possible.

MJN logo The Research Summit is made possible through an educational grant from Mead Johnson Nutrition.