06 Renew

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Thank you for being a member of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses—and advancing the care of neonatal patients through education, professional development, and advocacy. Please continue to support our mission by renewing your membership today.

Renew now 

Select multi-year renewal and save

Renew your NANN membership for multiple years at a time and save. Select our 2- or 3-year membership during renewal for a $10 or $20 savings.

NANN membership auto-renewal

In response to requests for an easier renewal program, NANN is offering members the ability to renew their annual membership automatically. This seamless system will save you time, safeguard your information, and eliminate interruptions to your benefits. Learn more about auto-renewal.

Renewal categories and pricing

Every renewing member has the right to vote, although student members may not chair a committee or hold office.

Membership Categories

United States and Canada—$150

For nurses within the United States and Canada.

Local Chapter—Pricing Varies

Chapter membership is open to US and Canadian members. Members can add chapters when renewing membership.


For nurses outside of the United States and Canada.

Student—$50 ($45 if NSNA member)

For students who are currently enrolled in an entry-level nursing program that leads to eligibility for the NCLEX examination upon graduation and undergraduate students. National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) members can join NANN at a discount. Learn more about NANN student memberships here.

NANNP Individual—$40 additional (U.S. and Canada)

NANN members who are NNPs or CNSs are eligible to join the National Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (NANNP), a division of NANN.

NANNP International—$35 additional

For NANN members who are NNPs or CNSs and located outside of the United States and Canada.

NNP Graduate Student—$15 additional

NANNP graduate students must hold an individual NANN membership and be enrolled in an advanced degree program working toward their NNP or CNS. Learn more about NANNP student memberships here.

Retired Membership—$80

We value our most seasoned professionals in neonatal nursing! A retired member may request a change in membership status from Regular to Retired at age sixty-five or older. While retired members do not receive the Advances in Neonatal Care and may not hold office, they still retain voting rights, can participate on committees, and enjoy all other regular benefits. To renew as a retired member, please call our member services number at 800.451.3795.

Renew now

Please note: Membership fees are non-refundable.