Chapter Leaders: Scope of Responsibilites 

Chapter President

  • Supervises and directs chapter activities.
  • Is responsible for ensuring that the board functions effectively, and that board members understand and adequately discharge their duties.
  • Schedules meetings of the board, presides at all board and general membership meetings.
  • Appoints standing and special committees, and appoints chairpersons.
  • Act as the official representative of the chapter.

The Chapter President-Elect

  • Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.
  • Serves as an ex-officio member of all standing committees.
  • Is expected to succeed the President upon completion of the term as President-Elect or upon vacancy of the office of President.

The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer

  • Maintains all chapter records, including bylaws, financial reports, and minutes of board meetings, business, and committee meetings.
  • Conducts official correspondence of the chapter.
  • Distributes notices of chapter meetings.
  • Maintains current committee and membership rosters.
  • Generally serves as a standing member of the Communication Committee or any other appointed committee.
  • Is responsible for the funds of the chapter and for keeping records of all income and expenditures.
  • Deposits all chapter receipts in a bank account maintained in the name of the chapter.
  • Render to the officers, whenever they request it, an account of all transactions as Treasurer.
  • Prepares an annual financial budget for approval by the board and keeps the membership informed of the chapters’ financial condition.