YON Continues Cropped

NANN continues to celebrate the Year of the Nurse in 2021!

Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) deemed 2020 the Year of the Nurse and Midwife (YON) in celebration of the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale. Given current circumstances throughout the world, the WHO has extended the Year of the Nurse into 2021. NANN is excited to take this opportunity to further highlight the outstanding contributions of nurses from all over the world and the amazing strength and fortitude they have demonstrated throughout the challenges of the last year. Join our celebration by getting involved with all that NANN has planned!

NANN 2021 Year of the Nurse Toolkit

Download and use our logos to celebrate the 2021 Year of the Nurse in print, presentations, your website, or on social media.

Click here to download all NANN 2021 YON collateral

NANN's 2021 Year of the Nurse Logos

Pop the static and animated logos on your website, your email signature, your social media pages, your presentations, and so much more! Let the world know you're celebrating the Year of the Nurse in 2021.


Download the 2021 static logo


Download the 2021 animated logo

Recognize a Fellow Nurse

Let's spend time throughout the Year of the Nurse paying it forward and recognizing each other for the AMAZING work neonatal nurses do each day. Download one of our logos above and then share and tag nurses on social media who you'd like to honor for their hard work and dedication to neonatal nursing. Patients' families are encouraged to download and share as well! 

Here's a sample social post to share with a static or animated logo: 

In honor of the #YON2021, I'd like to recognize [insert neonatal nurse social tag] for the amazing work you do every day in the NICU! Who will you recognize next?

NANN's Year of the Nurse International Nurses Day Animated Video and Image

On May 12th, let's all show our gratitude and appreciation for nurses all over the world! Download our video and image to share on International Nurses Day, May 12th, along with NANN, other nursing organizations, and institutions and nurses from near and far.


Download the International Nurses Day video


Download the International Nurses Day image

Show gratitude for neonatal nurses and APRNs. 

NANN wants to hear from NICU families! We invite all parents to share their stories of appreciation for the amazing neonatal nurses and APRNs they had impactful experiences with. Our video platform makes sharing a story as simple as a few clicks and a few moments of your time. And you can always do it over if you don't like it! We look forward to sharing your gratitude throughout 2021 and in future compilation videos. The deadline to submit a video recording is June 4, 2021. 

Record your video now!

Share recent nursing achievements with us. 

We want to hear about all the ways in which neonatal nurses and our community have gone above and beyond during the pandemic. Did your unit create something awesome this past year? Did you see something innovative that nurses in a different city developed? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on an inspirational story and it could end up on our social media accounts! 

Write about your experiences.

As we have all encountered many obstacles and challenges throughout the past year, there has never been a better time to reflect on your experiences and put your personal stories into writing. NANN invites all neonatal nurses and APRNs to share their NICU narratives through NANN's Footprints platform. Your voice and experiences matter – email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details and to submit your story. 

Look for mentions of the Year of the Nurse in all 2021 NANN events and communications.

We are thrilled to have this international opportunity raise awareness of the amazing work all nurses do throughout the world. Look for regular updates to be added to this page to let you know the latest on NANN's 2021 YON celebration. Be sure to follow #YearOfTheNurse and #YON2021 on your favorite social media networks.

Show us how you're celebrating!

We can't wait to see all the fun and creative ways you're celebrating YON. Share pictures and videos from your decorations, parties, and more by posting on Facebook and tagging us at @neonatalnurses with the hashtag #YearOfTheNurse and #YON2021. 

Have a great idea for how else NANN should celebrate? Share your thoughts with NANN's Marketing and Membership Coordinator, Olivia Cardinale at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today!