
Association News

Have you subscribed to NANN’s podcast, NANNcast, yet?

NANNcast, NANN’s official monthly podcast, aims to introduce listeners to hot topics in Neonatology with the hope of creating better patient outcomes. Guests on NANNcast will share their advice, tips, and expertise to better inform neonatal nurses, industry partners, and families of NICU patients. Stream NANNcast’s first two episodes, “Your NICU is a NeuroNICU” and “Language Nutrition in the NICU,” on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

New Member Benefit: NANN’s Mentor Program

Find and develop mentoring relationships with fellow NANN members. NANN’s new Mentor Program strengthens the NANN community and is a tremendous tool for our members' professional development. A benefit of NANN membership that is accessible through MyNANN, NANN's Mentor Program allows both mentors and protégés to have flexibility in the topics they focus on, how they wish to communicate, and how often.

Learn more and take advantage of this new member benefit!

Refer New Members and Earn Amazon Gift Cards

Have you referred your friends or colleagues to NANN yet? If you refer at least five new members who join, you’ll earn a $100 Amazon gift card. Referring a new member is simple. Sign in to your NANN account, click on “My Account” and select “Refer a Friend.” Enter your friend’s email address to send them an email introducing them to NANN and sharing your referral. Or, use the items in NANN’s Member Toolkit to share all the benefits of NANN.

Congratulations to this quarter’s Amazon gift card recipient, Courtney Grassham! We’re so grateful for your help in growing the NANN community!

New Feature: Print Your Own Membership Card

Now, when you log in to your NANN account, you can print your membership card right from the main account screen whenever you need it. Simply log in and select “Print My Membership Card.”

Log in and print your card now.

NANN Footprints from the NICU 2019 Winner Announced!

Each year, we select our favorite NANN Footprints story and the author receives a one-year extension of their NANN membership! We’re proud to announce this year’s Footprints from the NICU winning author, Jamie Burt, RN BSN, for her October article titled Noah*. Congratulations, Jamie!

Interested in sharing your NICU narrative? A NANN Footprints story should be relevant to neonatal nursing practice, relate a baby’s or family’s experience, and/or describe the professional development of a neonatal nurse. NANN members, please e-mail Molly Anderson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to share your interest in writing for Footprints!

MyNANN Engagement Program

Log in. Earn Points. Win Prizes. The MyNANN Engagement Program highlights NANN members that exhibit high levels of engagement on the MyNANN website. Viewing the website, updating your profile, and responding to discussion posts are just some of the ways you will be able to earn points for engaging on MyNANN. On a quarterly basis, the top three point earners will be rewarded with a piece of NANN merch. The terms of the program and a complete list of engagement types can be found on MyNANN!

Congratulations to last quarter’s most engaged MyNANN users, who will be receiving some NANN-branded merchandise:

Brittany Smith
Inna Mesh
Barbara Lemanski

Our Sponsor

pediatrix mednax

Congratulations to this quarter’s Amazon gift card recipient, Courtney Grassham! We’re so grateful for your help in growing the NANN community!