
sociation News

What a great 2020 Neonatal Nurses Week!

September 14-20 was truly a special week for the neonatal nursing community! We absolutely loved hearing from neonatal nurses and APRNs from around the world on what unit they work in, what they love about the profession, who they are proud to call a mentor, and much more. The content that individual units and chapters created on their own and shared on social media in honor of Neonatal Nurses Week was heartwarming to see and we hope you all felt extremely celebrated throughout the week.

A big congratulations to the following winners of our Neonatal Nurses Week social media campaign contests:

NNW Winners for release

Your 2020 NANN and NANNP Leadership

NANN would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote in the recent NANN Board and NANNP Council elections. Both the NANN and NANNP slates were unanimously approved. We are excited to introduce the 2020–2021 Board of Directors and NANNP Council.

NANN Board of Directors

  • Gail Bagwell, DNP APRN CNS, NANN President
  • Joan Rikli, MBA MSN RN CPNP NE-BC, Immediate Past President
  • Luann Jones, DNP APRN NNP-BC NE-BC, Secretary-Treasurer
  • Bobby Bellflower, DNSc NNP-BC, NANNP Council Chair
  • Rachael Zastrow, NNP-BC APNP CPNP-PC, Director-at-Large
  • Media Esser, PhD NNP-BC APNP CCRN CWN, Director-at-Large
  • Linda Merritt, PhD RNC-NIC CNE, Director-at-Large
  • Julie Williams, DNP CRNP NNP-BC, Director-at-Large
  • Reena Blackwell, MSN RNC-NIC NE-BC, Staff Nurse Director-at-Large
  • Erica Van Inwagen, BSN RN CCRN, Staff Nurse Director-at-Large

NANNP Council

  • Bobby Bellflower, DNSc NNP-BC, NANNP Chair
  • Elizabeth Welch-Carre, EdD MS APRN NNP-BC, Immediate Past Council Chair
  • Taryn Edwards, MSN CRNP NNP-BC, Member-at-Large
  • Jacqueline Guzman, MSN RN NNP-BC, Member-at-Large
  • Kristin Howard, DNP APRN NNP-BC, Member-at-Large
  • Julie Sundermeier, DNP APRN NNP-BC, Member-at-Large
  • Dedra Teel, MSN BSN RN APRN-BC, Member-at-Large 
  • Mary Whalen, DNP APRN NNP-BC, Member-at-Large

Submit Your Abstract for the 2021 Annual Conference

We're only a few weeks away from the 2020 NANN Virtual Annual Conference, but it's never too early to look ahead to next year! The NANN Annual Conference Committee's call for abstracts is now open and we invite you to submit an abstract for the 2021 Annual Conference taking place in Denver, Colorado. The deadline to apply is January 7, 2021.

The NANN Annual Conference Committee has identified the need to cover a wide range of topics that appeal to both the novice and expert neonatal nurse. Because we strive to better meet the educational needs of the conference attendees, we have provided a list of topics and areas of interest to make the application selection process less cumbersome and more diverse.

Learn more and submit your abstract today!

Sport Some NANN merch in Your NICU


This year has been filled with an emphasis on handwashing, mask-wearing, and social distancing. Stay safe during these times in NANN style! Our branded face masks are great for you and your colleagues to wear while out and about. And don't forget to spread the word about safe practices while wearing our "Wash, Distance, Wear a Mask" shirts! Different styles are available for this NANN shirt.

It's also not too late to get your commemorative Neonatal Nurses Week and Year of the Nurse merchandise! Head to our merch website to purchase yours today and show the world you're proud to be a neonatal nurse. 

NANNcast: Covering the Latest in Neonatology

Listen in as host Jill Beck sits down with guests from throughout the neonatal field to discuss topics including racial disparities in the NICU, benefits of music therapy, and Kratom and CBD in pregnancy. NANNcast aims to connect listeners to the hottest topics in neonatology and some of the brightest in the field, with the hope of creating better outcomes for patients and families. Stream NANNcast episodes wherever you listen to podcasts and don't forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you are the first to know when new episodes are released.

NICU Nurse Perspectives in NANN Footprints

We are delighted to share stories from NICU nurses through our Footprints articles. Make sure to read our latest features:

Committed to Care: Coping with COVID-19: Coronavirus may be apparent in certain areas of your hospital, but what is it like when the virus transfers over into your department? Kailey Rinaldi, MS APRN CPNP-PC, discusses her experience of working in the NICU during this time and what it is like caring for an infant born from a mother with COVID-19.

Our Every Day Is Their Once in a Lifetime: The NICU environment becomes very familiar to nurses who work there every day, but parents with newborns staying in the NICU have a very different experience. Lily Batchelor, BSN RN NNP-S, shares her perspective on family-centered care in the NICU.

A Heroine NICU Nurse From My Country: Salma Najjar highlights a true nurse hero who stood out during the recent Beirut blast and provides an inside look at the neonatal nurse's experience during the explosion.

NANN Member Recognized as American Academy of Nursing 2020 Fellow

Liz Sharpe

Congratulations to NANN's own Liz Sharpe, DNP APRN NNP-BC FAANP, for being selected as one of the 230 distinguished nurse leaders joining AAN's 2020 Class of Fellows. These nurses are recognized for their significant contributions to health care and the nursing profession. Liz follows in the footsteps of other NANN members, including Bobby Bellflower, who have been recognized through this program. Kudos to you, Liz!

Sending Gratitude to our Outstanding Volunteers

The passion, dedication, and drive volunteers bring to NANN are vital to the organization and the profession of neonatal nursing. As committee, board, and council members prepare to transition out of their volunteer roles following the end of NANN's conference, we want to thank everyone that has committed their time and talent to NANN. The hard work of our volunteers does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. While we wish we could celebrate all our volunteers in person at conference, we hope you feel our gratitude and sincerity wherever you are.

Quarterly Membership Installment Payments Available

We know that times are not as easy these days due to the ever-changing environment and paying for a full year's membership all at once may not be feasible. NANN offers quarterly installment payments for annual memberships. To take advantage of this offer, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

2020 is still YOUR year!


While this year has brought twists and turns for us all, the neonatal nursing community has stayed strong throughout, and we've learned to adapt to our new normal. We couldn't think of a better year to celebrate our community and nurses all over the world! We encourage you to check out our Year of the Nurse page for digital collateral you can use to celebrate with all the nurses around you. You all truly deserve some recognition this year!

COVID-19 Updates

As the world continues to learn more about COVID-19, NANN is here to make sure our members stay current on new findings. We are continuously updating our COVID-19 page with information related to the pandemic and resources for neonatal nurses to utilize.

Is there a COVID-19 resource you think the neonatal nursing community would find beneficial? Send your recommended source to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for us to include on our webpage!

Honoring the Life of Sandra Gardner

S Gardner

We are sad to share that longtime NANN member, Sandra L. Gardner, has passed away. She made tremendous contributions to NANN and the neonatal nursing community. Her dear friend LuAnn Hall wrote a short memorial about Sandra's life as a way to honor this special neonatal nurse. 


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