
Board Update

Gail headshot for eNewsGail Bagwell, DNP APRN CNS
NANN President

Happy new year from the NANN Board of Directors! We hope the holiday season brought you and yours joy and that the year ahead is full of health and happiness. We are so very grateful for each of you and your dedication to NANN, your patients, and their families.

Speaking of health, while we continue to ride the rollercoaster of COVID-19, there is hope on the horizon. With the rollout of two effective vaccines underway and two more in the works, our ability to gain control over the global pandemic is coming into focus. There is much trepidation and concern in our country regarding this new type of vaccine, and it is our role as healthcare providers to be able to answer questions from our family, friends, and patient families as well as role model getting the vaccine.

I know I was a little nervous, as were other NANN volunteer leaders, but we all know that the science behind the vaccine is solid and that we need to do this in order to get back to where we need to be both economically and personally. I hope you have received your vaccine or will be receiving it soon! The more of us who are immunized, the faster the numbers of those impacted by the virus will slow, and we'll be able to resume the things we love most, like visiting with loved ones in person, traveling, and gathering for events like NANN's Annual Conference. Get the latest COVID-19-related recommendations and resources, including vaccine hesitancy tools, on the NANN website.

In addition to urging you to receive your vaccination, I want to remind you of the importance of taking good care of yourself during these continued challenging times. Find ways to recharge and rest. Follow our Self-Care Saturday social posts for tips on ways to keep yourself on the priority list.

Lastly, check out the upcoming virtual social events hosted by NANN's Membership Committee. These are a great way to connect and network with other members while learning about a trending topic. The first in the series, Caring for Caregivers, will take place over Zoom on Thursday, February 4, at 6 pm CST. Look for more information in the Association News section.

Throughout the year, the NANN E-News Board Update will inform you about our latest achievements and additions to our strategic plan. One of the most important additions of the year relates to our new strategic domain of Health and Racial Equity. I hope each of you took the time to answer our recent survey on the topic, because we will be using the results to plan Health and Racial Equity offerings that meet your needs. NANN is committed to doing everything we can to celebrate diversity and inclusion and to eliminate inequities in the NICU and beyond, so look for regular updates from us as new opportunities become available.

One final reminder—this month is your last opportunity to register for NANN Virtual On Demand and take advantage of 35 CNE hours by March 1, 2020. Register today, earn your credits, and mark your calendars as we hope that we can meet in person September 15- 18 in Denver!

Until our next update, I wish you all the best. Take good care of yourself and be well!

Bagwell Gail