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Don't Miss the Top Stories from NANN's Neonatal News

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NANN's Neonatal News e-newsletter offers subscribers a weekly summary of professional news, trends, and updates. Opt in to have the latest news in neonatal nursing sent directly to your inbox each week. Read top recent stories, including: 

  • Increased severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia during social distancing
    Neonatologists are concerned about an apparent increase in the number of neonates being readmitted to the hospital with severe hyperbilirubinemia during the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing mandate. They envision that the postpartum social support provided by visiting family and friends is being disrupted, impacting successful breastfeeding and the recognition of jaundice in infants.
  • Extensive placental damage IDed in COVID-19 linked stillbirths
    When pregnant women and their partners experience imminent extreme premature labor, they must decide how to proceed if labor continues. With the risks of morbidity and mortality in extremely premature infants, two procedures are considered treatment options.
  • Omicron revived a heartbreaking pandemic measures in NICUs
    One in 10 babies ends up in the NICU. Babies head to the NICU because their transition from the womb to the world outside did not go well, even after a full term of gestation, Fleishman says. Preterm babies, as small as your hand, as light as a can of soda, might need longer stays.

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