
Association News

NANN’s coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response and resources

Visit our coronavirus disease (COVID-19) webpage for the latest NANN-related updates and recommended resources. Visit often because we’ll be updating this page regularly.

NANN Mourns Loss of Houston Area Chapter Leader Brittney Boudreaux

Heidi Thompson, MSN RN
Patient Care Manager–NICU
Texas Children’s Hospital

Brittney Boudreaux joined NANN and the Houston Area Association of Neonatal Nurses (HAANN), Houston’s local NANN chapter, in 2014. Throughout her membership, Brittney served NANN and the NICU community at both the local and national levels. Brittney began her nursing career as a NICU nurse in 2012 at Our Lady of Lourdes Women's and Children's Hospital in Louisiana and moved to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston in 2014. As a member of NANN, she helped advance the neonatal nursing profession first by serving as HAANN’s Conference Chair. In that role, she worked tirelessly to bring education and development of professional practice to life.  Brittney most recently served as her chapter’s President-Elect while also continuing service at the national level on NANN’s nomination committee, Annual Conference Committee, and awards selection task force. Brittney was a vibrant and ambitious new leader within the NICU community.

Brittney lost her battle with breast cancer on April 2 and will forever be missed within our community. During her battle, Brittney never lost her desire to serve her staff at Texas Children’s and the NICU community. We know that she is with us in spirit as the global community strives to care for our patients, their families, and each other during this challenging time.

Help us identify the next NANN leaders

The NANN and NANNP Nominations Committees are now accepting applications for the NANN Board of Directors and NANNP Council. To learn more about the nominations process, find detailed information about the open positions, and discover how to apply, please log into MyNANN and visit the Elections page.

Members, which neonatal nurses will you help us recognize this year?

You know someone who deserves to be recognized for their contributions in neonatal nursing, so why not make it official? Submit a nomination for one of the many 2020 NANN Individual Excellence Awards, which celebrate both novice and experienced nurses. The nomination period, which also allows self-nominations, is open from March 1 through May 1, 2020. Winners receive complimentary conference registration, airfare to NANN’s 2020 Annual Conference, a total of $750 in honorarium, and a trophy. Learn more about all the awards NANN offers and apply today. Applications require one letter of recommendation and a CV.

Use NANN’s Year of the Nurse toolkit to plan your celebration

In celebration of the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, nurses near and far will celebrate the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife this year. Join in on the fun by learning about and getting involved with all that NANN has planned. Visit our toolkit full of downloadable graphics, nurse recognition animations, sample posts, and so much more. Happy Year of the Nurse to all NANN members!

Second call for poster abstracts to open April 15

The NANN Research Committee will be accepting additional poster abstracts for presentation at the 36th Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2020, in New Orleans, LA, beginning on April 15, 2020. This is your last chance to submit your work if your research did not conclude in early 2020.

This call for abstracts closes Friday, May 29. Learn which topics we are considering and plan to apply after April 15.

NANNcast is THE podcast for neonatal nurses!

Each month, NANN’s official podcast introduces listeners to some of the hottest topics in neonatology. Guests from throughout the neonatal field join host Jill Beck to share their expertise with listeners from around the world. Stream the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts and subscribe on Apple Podcasts to receive notifications when new episodes are released. Stream all our episodes, including the latest, “Understanding Palliative Care,” available now.

NANN launches 2020 advocacy agenda

As the association for neonatal nurses and advanced practice neonatal nurses, NANN seeks to optimize care and health outcomes for neonates and their families. In an initiative to be purposeful with our legislative advocacy efforts, NANN’s Health Policy and Advocacy Committee has created an advocacy agenda for the year. We will focus our energy, communication channels, and resources toward advancing our core issues at the federal level on the following topics:

  • disparities in the NICU
  • paid family and medical leave
  • breast milk and nutrition
  • nursing workforce development.

Get the latest updates and learn more about NANN’s advocacy agenda.

New feature: print your own membership card

Now, when you log in to your NANN account, you can print your membership card right from the main account screen whenever you need it. Simply log in and select “Print My Membership Card.”

Log in and print your card now.

Elevate your professional development to the next level with NANN’s Mentor Program

Using mentor-match technology, NANN’s Mentor Program provides members with the opportunity to continuously nurture their professional development. The online program pairs protégés and mentors that share similar interests in mentorship topics, communication style, and career stage. To get started, log in to MyNANN and follow the four steps on the Mentor Program page.

Refer new members and earn Amazon gift cards

Have you referred your friends or colleagues to NANN yet? If you refer at least five new members who join, you’ll earn a $100 Amazon gift card. Referring a new member is simple. Sign in to your NANN account, click on My Account, and select Refer a Friend. Enter your friend’s email address to send them an email introducing them to NANN and sharing your referral. Or use the items in NANN’s Member Toolkit to share all the benefits of NANN.

Our Sponsor

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Congratulations to this quarter’s Amazon gift card recipient, Courtney Grassham! We’re so grateful for your help in growing the NANN community!