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NANN’s Neonatal News e-newsletter offers subscribers a weekly summary of professional news, trends, and updates. Opt in to have the latest news in neonatal nursing sent directly to your inbox each week. Read top stories, including

  • Hope, and new life, in a Brooklyn maternity ward fighting COVID-19
    With New York being one of the epicenters of coronavirus, Brooklyn Hospital Center has experienced their fair share of COVID-19 cases. Women who are giving birth at this hospital are faced with a whole new type of situation where they are separated from almost everyone and worry about themselves or their babies catching the virus. While some labors have been months earlier than planned due to keeping the mother and baby healthy, other pregnant patients have attempted to delay their deliveries out of fear of coronavirus.
  • Should infants be separated from coronavirus infected mothers?
    As the world learns more information about coronavirus each day based on new findings, some wonder how the virus can impact newborns and their mothers' initial bond. According to the World Health Organization, they currently suggest that infants and mothers should remain together to practice skin-to-skin contact, kangaroo care, and rooming-in. But if the mother is positive for COVID-19, there are certain recommendations on how to prevent the spread of the virus to the newborn.
  • Newborns infected with COVID-19 in China experienced mild symptoms
    A study conducted at Wuhan University in China on newborns with coronavirus found that in all cases the babies experienced only included mild symptoms with none requiring intensive care or mechanical ventilation.

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