
Board Update

Gail headshot for eNewsGail Bagwell, DNP APRN CNS
NANN President

Spring is definitely in full bloom with summer just around the corner. I hope you have time planned out this summer for some rest and recuperation so you can continue to be the great neonatal nurses that you are!

NANN realizes that while the pandemic has waned, we continue to live in unprecedented times of national shortages and rising costs. The shortages and inflation are affecting all of us and NANN knows our members are being adversely affected. In response to this, NANN is doing several things to help alleviate some of the stress and strain being felt by all of us.

First, in celebration of Nurses Week, NANN is offering a gift of $25 off your membership which is valid through Tuesday, May 31, 2022! New or existing members due for renewal in the next three months can renew online and get $25 off with the code NURSESWEEK. If you’re not due to renew soon, you can still get the discount. Connect with NANN Member Services via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 800.451.3795 and let us know you’d like to add a year of membership at the discounted rate. Please help spread the word and grow our vibrant NANN community!

Please mark your calendar for May 31, 2022 – that’s when conference registration opens! I can’t tell you how excited the NANN Board, Council, volunteers and staff are to welcome you back in person to Las Vegas this September 14-17. We’ll stay at the recently renovated Paris Hotel & Casino in the heart of the Vegas strip. We’ll experience engaging networking events and the latest neonatal education. We’ll connect with leaders in our profession and the industry partners who so generously support the work we do. We’ll learn, lead, and level up together!

However, we know challenges still exist when it comes to travel and finances, that’s why we’ll have a virtual option as well. Select sessions will be livestreamed allowing our virtual and live audiences to connect via the conference chat. All sessions will be recorded for on-demand watching as well, so you won’t have to miss a thing. Pick the option that’s best for you and do so early for our Best Value rates!!

The launch of our new learning management system, iLearn, is just weeks away! This new e-learning hub will be your one-stop shop for all NANN education. Look for launch communications and then log in with your NANN credentials to take advantage of exciting free CE opportunities and check out our new product releases. You’ll love it!

Finally, a note on the national formula shortage that will be with us for a while. NANN created a list of resources for NANN members to refer to when asked about the situation by patient families, friends and family. There is a lot of misinformation on social media regarding the use of alternative solutions to store bought formula that NANN wants to make sure that their members are well-informed.

It’s a very exciting time to be a NANN member. I’m grateful for each one of you and your commitment to your profession, your patients, and to our association. Have a wonderful summer and I hope to see you in person or virtually at our conference in Las Vegas in September!

Bagwell Gail

Our Sponsor

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