
Association News

Small Grant Applications Open!

Do you have a clinical evidence-based project (EBP) project or researchable question? We want to help fund it!

NANN’s Small Grants Committee is now accepting applications from members interested in initiating their own research EBP project and developing their research skills. The program is designed to encourage novice researchers and nurses with clinical questions to formalize their projects and submit for funding.

Selected candidates will partner with an experienced mentor to put together a research or EBP proposal. The review committee is available to help recommend a mentor if needed. Step-by-step application instructions are available. 

Make a difference in your practice and contribute to nursing knowledge to improve neonatal nursing and patient care.

Apply now!

Take Part in Award Season with NANN!

It’s that time of year where our favorite actors, artists, and shows earn well-deserved awards.  Get into the spirit of award season by nominating a colleague or applying for a NANN award!

Each year, NANN recognizes outstanding contributions of individuals practicing in neonatal nursing. Whether advanced practice registered nurses, clinical practitioners, educators, or researchers, NANN is dedicated to honoring the achievements of those who are advancing the field of neonatal nursing. NANN chapters also are recognized annually for their accomplishments on a local level. 

Individual Excellence Awards

These awards recognize the contributions and dedication of neonatal nurses and neonatal nurse practitioners. To be considered for Individual Excellence Awards, candidates must be NANN members in good standing and nominated according to the specific award's nomination procedure. Award winners receive complimentary conference registration, a $500 stipend to be applied to hotel and travel costs, a $250 honorarium, and a trophy. The deadline to apply is May 1, 2018, so nominate a nurse or apply today!

Help Us Grow (H.U.G.): Refer Members and Win Rewards

NANN is striving for growth in 2018 with our H.U.G. campaign and we need your help. Help us grow by referring new members to NANN and winning rewards!

Referring new members has never been easier or more beneficial. Now there are two ways we thank our referring members:

  • Refer a new member and be entered in our annual membership drawing. If you refer a new member to NANN and they join, you’ll be entered in our annual drawing each December for a free NANN membership!
  • Refer 5 new NANN members and receive a $100 Amazon gift card. For every FIVE (5) new members who you refer who join NANN, you'll receive a $100 Amazon gift card. Gift cards are sent out quarterly.

Sign in to your NANN account, click on My Account, and select “Refer a Friend”. Enter your friend’s email address to send them an email introducing them to NANN and to share your referral.

Visit www.nann.org/referrals for more information.

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