

Product Spotlight

Product Spotlight: Mentoring Toolkit for Nurse Practitioners

The Mentoring Toolkit for Nurse Practitioners presents the evidence, provides the rationale, and delivers the tools needed to establish a formal, structured mentoring program for new nurse practitioners at your institution. This toolkit incorporates a comprehensive suite of tools for every phase of a nurse practitioner mentoring program.

The benefits of mentoring for new nurse practitioners are well-documented, and the need is widely reported by national organizations such as the Institute of Medicine, National League of Nursing, American Nurses Association, and American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. A task force led by Susan Meier, DNP APRN NNP-BC, created this invaluable resource to fill the gap during a nurse’s transition into their new role as a nurse practitioner. This program supports an interpersonal model that balances the career development needs of individuals with an organization’s growth and productivity goals. It provides a complete set of tools and activities to support the mentoring relationship as your new nurse practitioners develop from novice to expert.

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