

Board Update

Joan-RikkliJoan Rikli, MBA MSN RN CPNP-PC NE-BC
NANN President

Happy summer fellow NANN members! This issue of NANN E-News comes to you with conference top of mind! We’re deep into plans and preparations for NANN’s 35th Annual Conference in Savannah, Georgia, October 9-12. If you haven’t registered yet, please do! Our Early Bird rate allows members to save $50 and expires on August 30, 2019. Our Annual Conference Committee has planned a world class meeting for you, jam packed with the latest education and technology, and so many opportunities to network and have fun together. I look forward to meeting you in Savannah this fall!

In recent issues of E-News, I’ve been sharing details about the progress we’re making toward the goals in NANN’s strategic plan, which includes the domains of Education and Professional Development, Setting the Standard of Care, Advocacy and Awareness, Leadership, and Community. The specific goal of the Advocacy and Awareness domain is to influence and communicate critical decisions affecting neonatal nursing professionals and the care of neonates and their families.

Toward that end, NANN is focusing on increasing awareness and providing a simple platform for all members to engage with their elected officials. We recently sent out a Call to Action regarding the MOMMA Act and will continue to alert you of important neonatal, nursing, and maternal-health legislation. To support accessible education, NANN has recently released a bite-sized webinar regarding the National Nurse Act of 2019 and look forward to providing more of these digestible, on-the-go advocacy webinars. And for a little bit of insight into how local grassroots advocacy can make a national difference, we’ll be joined by the founder of Little Lobbyists, Elena Hung, to explore her passion and journey into legislative advocacy at the 2019 NANN Annual Conference.

We’re past the halfway point of 2019 and making steady progress toward our goal of growth this year. Membership campaigns and referrals are encouraging neonatal nurses from all over the world to join our ranks and stand together as the professional voice that shapes neonatal nursing. However, there’s still so much work to do! Your recommendation to join NANN is the most powerful tool we have to reach new members. Please consider referring just 5 new neonatal nurses and APRNs this year. If each of us does that, the support and resources NANN can provide our patients, peers, and profession will be valuable beyond measure.

As you move on with your day, your lunch break, or your next shift, know that NANN is grateful for you and your membership. We support you and celebrate all you bring to your profession and our organization!


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