

Board Update

Lori BrittinghamLori Brittingham, MSN RN AACNS-N CNS 
President of NANN

The NANN Board of Directors is committed to moving NANN into the future with our eyes wide open on the mission of our association: To be the professional voice that shapes neonatal nursing through excellence in practice, education, research, and professional development.

As we aim to not only address current issues and to be the primary association for neonatal nursing, NANN’s desired future includes becoming the association you need in three, five, and even ten years down the road. To create an actionable roadmap, we have identified these five key areas to grow and develop:

  • education and professional development
  • setting the standard of care
  • awareness and influence
  • leadership
  • community.

Each of these five areas carries a list of strategic objectives that we will put into action or have already begun to implement. One example is our Emerging Leader Fellowship program, a guided eight-month journey for those who are interested in taking their leadership skills to the next level at work and/or at the association level. In addition, we are actively reviewing our current product line and have some exciting new products and resources that we’ll be releasing very soon, including the 3rd edition of NANN’s Policies, Procedures, and Competencies for Neonatal Nursing Care manual! Pre-sale of this highly anticipated resource will begin at conference next month, with an expected release in January 2019. To help provide the most innovative continuing education and professional development offerings, we have begun reconfigure the infrastructure of our education committee to better meet your needs moving into the future. Finally, both the NANN board and staff recognize the significance of engaging our members, especially those new to practice, so stay tuned for new volunteer opportunities in 2019!

As my term as NANN’s president winds down, I’ve had the chance to reflect on the past few years. I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many of you at conference, at local chapter meetings, through initiatives like our emerging leaders program and delegation to Cuba, and through committee and taskforce meetings. NANN has grown in so many ways—I am so proud of the work we’ve done as an association and of the tremendous work that you do each and every day to support one another while caring for the most fragile of patients and their brave families. Thank you for this humbling opportunity. It has been an incredible honor to serve in this role. Looking forward to seeing many of you in Anaheim in just a few short weeks!


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