

NANNP Corner

NANNP Update

Lee Shirland, MS APRN NNP-BC, NAPS Co-Coordinator, NANNP Council Chair

Although you may not be able to tell by the weather, spring is here! This time of year brings a sense of renewal. As we watch the leaves come back to life; the daffodils, crocuses, tulips, azaleas, and dogwoods bloom; the birds sing; and the hummingbirds return to their feeders, consider evaluating the direction of your professional career.

Ask yourself: are you where you wanted or expected to be at this point in your career? Are you happy with what you have accomplished? What are your goals for the next 5 years, and how do you plan on reaching them? Will your career path take you to and through your intended goals? How are you nurturing and mentoring others to help them reach their goals? Do you demonstrate leadership by example?

If you are reading this article, you are a member of a national association whose goal is to help you grow your career, maintain current evidence-based knowledge about care and practices involving the neonate, advocate for the neonate and their families, network with colleagues about best practices, and lead by example. Are all the advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) that practice in your group or facility members of NANN and NANNP?

You have set a great example for your peers by being a NANN and NANNP member—take it a step further and encourage others to enhance their careers as well. Show your colleagues the benefits of joining NANN and NANNP while taking advantage of the group discount. Student APRNs can even join at the discounted student rate.      

Several of our members have requested materials to help with onboarding new neonatal APRNs. As such, NANNP is in the process of revising the Neonatal Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition module for new Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (NNPs) and students. This module will offer more detailed evidence-based practices with in-depth explanations and examples and will be distributed as a free download on our website in early spring 2019. NANNP currently is working on other resources that are in the early stages of development. As more details emerge, make use of our mentoring toolkit for nurse practitioners as a resource for all APRNs involved with onboarding new NNPs or those who teach student NNPs in the clinical setting.

NANNP is excited to collaborate with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to publish a clinical report on hypotension in the very low birth weight infant. We anticipate this article will be published later this year. Our collaboration with AAP is just one of the many successful partnerships NANNP fosters with other professional organizations that impact your practice.

As spring comes into full bloom, we ask you to take time to assess and perhaps breathe new life into your professional career—all while mentoring colleagues and student NNPs along the way. NANNP continues to work hard for you; are you doing your part to grow professionally within our organization?

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