

President's Message

Lori BrittinghamLori Brittingham, MSN RN CNS AACNS-N

This is the time of year when we reflect on the past and look to the future. 2017 has been an exciting year for NANN! We launched our Emerging Leaders Program and the Mentoring Toolkit for Nurse Practitioners. A delegation of 13 members traveled to Cuba to exchange information and culture with our Cuban counterparts. We joined forces with COINN, AWHONN, and ANN on the inaugural Global Joint Neonatal Nurses Institute in Hawaii to strategize how we might partner together to impact neonatal care and neonatal nursing on an international level. We hosted a very successful Research Summit in Scottsdale, AZ, where 12 candidates presented their research and evidence-based practice projects; five presenters went on to share their work at NANN’s Annual Conference.

On the advocacy front, NANN’s Health Policy and Advocacy Committee worked in conjunction with over 65 specialty nursing associations to communicate our position on the Affordable Care Act and other relevant legislation with senators, representatives, cabinet members, and other influential lawmakers. In addition, we endorsed a number of letters and bills and provided calls to action to our membership to engage with local elected officials and ensure that our neonatal nursing voice is heard. Earlier in the year we partnered with the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments and met with the former director of the Environmental Protection Agency to share concerns about the impact of climate change on our vulnerable infants. We worked alongside the Joint Commission to look at medication safety in neonatal and pediatric patients. We also participated in a study with the Government Accountability Office to examine the neonatal abstinence syndrome epidemic and help determine further steps to improve care for families affected by the opioid crisis.

As always, our year culminated when we gathered in Providence, RI, for NANN’s 33rd Annual Conference. There we had the opportunity to hear from inspirational speakers and thought leaders, visit with industry-leading exhibitors, catch up with old friends, forge new relationships, and honor our individual and chapter award winners. I enjoyed speaking with so many of you during the week and continue to be inspired by your passion!

As the year wraps up and we move into 2018, look for the joint publication with the American Academy of Pediatrics on Hypotension in the VLBW Infant Clinical Practice Guideline, the release of the 4th edition of the AWHONN/NANN Neonatal Skin Care Guidelines, the launch of NANN’s Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialist Core Competencies and Education Standards, and revisions of Baby Steps to Home, NANN’s Policy, Procedures, and Competencies, and our online RNC Review Course. Our 34th Annual Conference will be held in Anaheim, CA, October 17–20, 2018. Start planning now so that you can join us for what is sure to be the highlight of our year!

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our volunteers. None of the work that NANN accomplishes would be possible without the tireless work of our volunteer members. Many thanks to those of you who have shared your time, expertise, and passion on our committees, taskforces, journal editorial board, board of directors, and NANNP Council. Our association’s strength derives from our community of exceptional nurses, and we rely on our members to shape NANN’s future direction. For those of you who are interested in becoming more involved in NANN’s work, look for volunteer opportunities as 2018 progresses. Volunteering is a tremendous way to share your knowledge, learn from others, grow professionally, develop leadership skills, and contribute at the association level.

Enjoy this special time of the year with family and friends!

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