
Association News

From the Hill to the NICU


In an effort to raise awareness of key regulations and issue that affect NANN, NANNP, and the populations we serve, the HPAC Committee sends out our monthly From the Hill to the NICU to help keep you informed. May's issue provides updates on two bills that affect our patient population, the Mothers and Offspring Mortality and Morbidity Awareness (MOMMA) Act and the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2019. Read more

APRN Membership Scholarship


Are you a newly graduated neonatal nurse practitioner? Apply for NANN and NANNP's Membership Scholarship Program for newly graduated APRNs, supported by Abbott Nutrition! The scholarships provide one year complimentary NANN/NANNP membership ($170 value) as well as complimentary registration for NANN's APRN Summit at NANN's 2019 Annual Conference ($75 value) to 25 newly graduated or graduating APRNs. (Scholarship recipients must have been graduates of an APRN program in 2018 or plan to graduate by December 2019.)

The deadline to apply is June 3, 2019. Apply today!

NANN Footprints: Stories from the NICU

Partnering through Listening
May 2019
Joyce Maloney, MSN, RN, RNC-NIC

May 24 19

One of a parent’s inherent instincts is to provide comfort and care for their child. NICU parents are often afraid to place their hands on their baby for fear of causing discomfort or dislodging equipment. Their response to their fear is to suppress their innate needs. Instead, they wait and ask, “Can I touch him/her?” Had I been focused only on my patient and her bedside equipment, I would have missed an opportunity to assess Mom’s non-verbal cues and would not have made the decision I did...Read more

Baby Trail...Lives Touched by One Baby
April 2019
Angel Carter

April Footprints

...I was imagining a line drawn along the path we took with this baby girl, this morning, and all the people along the path whom she touched - even after death...
…I wondered if they are "counted" when we talk about all the people affected by the death of a child... Read More

Knowin Owen
March 2019
Valerie Moniaci DNP APRN NNP-BC

Knowin Owen

Over the years, I have met many families and have shared with them both joy and pain. Every baby deserves to have their story told but this story is about a special little boy who has surpassed expectations of his physicians and sometimes his nurses, but never his parents. They always maintained the faith that he would receive the care that he needed and that they would make sure he had the very best life they could offer to him... Read more

Refer New NANN Members for a Reward

Member Referrals

Refer at least five new members who join to earn a $100 Amazon gift card. Refer from within My Account or have your friend enter your e-mail address when they join.

Congrats to our 2019 1st quarter member referral winner, Heather Miller, RN, BSN!

Learn more about our referral rewards program.

Join a NANN Chapter!


From Washington to Florida, and in nearly 30 states in between, NANN chapters play an important role in the association’s grassroots services and support for our members. Belonging to a chapter provides unique local support where your voice can be heard in a community of peers. A chapter is a perfect forum for convenient local educational programs and networking opportunities. Browse through NANN’s list of chapters to find the chapter nearest to you.

Join a NANN Chapter Today!

Join the Conversation

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Do you have an on-the-job question or are you interested to discover how practice you in your unit compares to others? The MyNANN community platform gives you and your fellow members a platform to discuss protocols, best practices, and latest news in the field. Log into MyNANN participate and then reference some of our recent and popular discussion threads:

CHG to Prep IV Tubing Prior to Line Entry
Thermoregulation Help
NRP Coordination

Sign into MyNANN and access a nation-wide virtual community of your peers!

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