
September 2019 NANN E-News

Welcome to the September issue of NANN E-News, the e-newsletter about neonatal nursing and the association.

Please send ideas for articles to Julie E. Williams, MS CRNP NNP-BC, editor of NANN E-News, care of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Emergency Preparedness in the NICU

Board Update

Board Update

NANNP Corner

Collective Responsibility for Training New Graduate NNPs

Nursing News

Don’t Miss the Top Stories from NANN's Neonatal News

Special Interest Group Update

Spina Bifida and Post-NICU Outcomes

Conference Central

Dinner Symposium—Sponsored by Pampers, part of the P & G family.

Late-Breaking Preconferece Workshop Added: Best Practices in Neonatal PICCs—Hands-On Trimming, Stylets, Securement, and Intro to Ultrasound

Bonus General Session: Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Babies Less Than 2kg

Late-Breaking Concurrent Session: Epidermal Electronics for Neonatal Intensive Care Units

NANN Members: Register for Conference Together and Save

Association News

Highlights from Our First Neonatal Nurses Week

Submit Your Abstract for the 2020 Annual Conference

15th Annual Research Summit

Your New NANN Board of Directors and NANNP Council Members

Refer 5 NANN Members for a $100 Reward

Product Spotlight

Best of NANN 2019 Conference Recordings

Purchase Your Copy of NANN’s New Policies, Procedures, and Competencies.

Our Sponsor

pediatrix mednax