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Don’t Miss the Top Stories from NANN's Neonatal News

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NANN’s Neonatal News e-newsletter offers subscribers a weekly summary of professional news, trends, and updates. Opt in to have the latest news in neonatal nursing sent directly to your inbox each week. Read top stories, including

  • Baby in NICU sees parents' faces for 1st time thanks to innovative masks
    During the current pandemic, parents are required to wear masks when visiting their newborn infants in the NICU. Some parents fear that not being able to show their newborns their full faces can hinder their child's development of social cues and nonverbal communication skills. To combat this dilemma, clear masks that show one's mouth and facial expressions have been sought out by parents to allow for a way to connect with their infants.
  • Machine Learning Predicts Life-Threatening Disease in Infants
    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) affects up to 11,000 neonates each year in the United States. Currently, there is no set way to predict if a preterm infant will get NEC. Researchers are now looking into machine learning tools to model clinical, demographic, and microbiome data from neonates that may identify those at risk of the disease before it appears.
  • A Mother Transmitted COVID-19 to Her Baby During Pregnancy
    A mother who tested positive for COVID-19 right before giving birth preterm was found to have spread the virus to her newborn. As we learn more each day about COVID-19's infectious nature, this case stresses the importance of limiting exposure to COVID-19 for pregnant mothers and newborns.

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