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Don’t Miss the Top Stories from NANN's SmartBrief

NANN12 SmartBrief

NANN’s SmartBrief e-newsletter offers subscribers a weekly summary of professional news, trends, and updates. Opt in to have the latest news in neonatal nursing sent directly to your inbox each week. Read top stories, including

  • Study examines cerebral palsy prevalence in preemies. Findings in Pediatrics, based on data involving 2,113 premature babies followed for 3.75 years, didn’t show any significant changes in overall moderate-to-severe neurodevelopmental impairment rates.
  • Study looks at variability of VLBW infant practices, outcomes. Very low birth weight babies born in Swiss Neonatal Network units had significantly higher odds of delivery room mortality due to a priori comfort care practice, but had a lower death or major morbidity risk, compared with those born in U.S. units in the Vermont Oxford Network, Swiss researchers reported in Pediatrics.
  • Congenital heart defects tied to maternal CVD risk. A Canadian study in Circulation found that mothers who gave birth to infants with a heart defect had a greater risk of developing atherosclerotic disorders, including myocardial infarction and heart failure, and having cardiovascular hospitalizations. The findings were based on more than 1 million mothers who were followed for up to 25 years.

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