

Board Update

Lori BrittinghamLori Brittingham, MSN RN CNS AACNS-N
President of NANN

It’s an exciting time of the year for NANN—there are so many updates to share! Our call for volunteers is underway, the application period for the New APRN Graduates Scholarship has begun, and NANN and NANNP elections are right around the corner. As a Board, we can’t help but feel inspired and excited as the future of our organization and its leadership take shape.

Neonatal nursing leadership is  a passion of mine. As my term as president winds down, it’s important to me that future leaders are identified, cultivated, and nurtured. Last year, NANN initiated the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) and our inaugural class has already made an impact on our association and profession. The enthusiasm of these developing leaders has been palpable and we are so proud of their accomplishments.

As we plan for future ELP classes, we sought out a partner that offered the leadership education and experiences best suited for our members. We’re thrilled to share that NANN will collaborate with Synova Associates, education provider of both the NICU and Perinatal Leadership Forums, on future ELP offerings. Look for more information on the program this summer and please consider recommending it to emerging leaders in your units.

As I’ve mentioned in previous board updates, another important goal for NANN this year is membership growth. Please continue to help us reach our goal to grow membership by 777 new members during 2018. We’re just over 25% of the way there, but we need your referrals and recommendations to reach as many neonatal nurses as possible. Share what being part of the most vibrant group of neonatal nurses has meant to you and your career, encourage membership for other nurses, and be sure to let them know about ways to save through NANN’s group membership plan. NANN thrives because of you and we can’t thank you enough for helping us reach a goal that will allow us to make an even bigger impact for neonatal nurses and for our patients and families.

Finally, I can see NANN’s annual conference on the horizon—can you? Our 34th Annual Conference will be held in exciting Anaheim, CA, October 17–20. Join us in #NANNAHEIM for trending topics, meaningful networking opportunities, and tons of fun! Register now and make your travel plans early to save. We can’t wait to meet you and celebrate together this fall!

I am truly grateful for all you do on behalf of NANN!

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